Thursday, March 18, 2010

Success Criteira

After observation of my students this year. I am well aware that they are unable to create and use success criteria to devlop their next steps for learning. I need to gather data to support my findings. I have developed a survey using survey monkey, an excellent data gathering site, and had all students answer it. 53% of students said that they could create some success criteria when given a learning intention, and 34% only being able to identify one step.

I then gave them a task as follows:
Write the success criteria for an agument to encourage the Government to make Cellphone usage free.

Here is an example of the success criteria I was given:

Success Criteria for free internet:
• Write a good argument to why the government should let the internet to be free.
• How would it affect other people worldwide?
• How would the people who had internet and was paying it feel if the internet was now free would they ask for their money back.
• Give a variety of question’s why it should be free.

It confirms my need to develop success criteria with students so that they have a recpie for success.

I have identified my target group as year 8 boys.

After discussions with Lyn Ross, I came up with a task sheet to explictly teach success criteria. Where students would create an animation powerpoint. We explored how we would make it successful and what aspects we would need to include.